Be Our Guest!

When is the next Homeless Connect?
Sunday, October 6, 2019
How can I attend Homeless Connect Edmonton?
Registration starts at 9:30 am; Doors open and services start at 10:00 am; Doors close at 3:00 pm.
Where is Homeless Connect Edmonton?
Edmonton Convention Centre: 9797 Jasper Avenue
What can I expect?
When the doors open at our event, friendly greeters will meet you and direct you to the registration area. At the registration area, volunteers will ask a few questions and help you identify the services that you would like to access that day. You have the option of having a volunteer Guide accompany you through the service area.
Lunch will be provided to guests, service providers and volunteers starting at 11:15 a.m. and ending at 2:00 p.m.
When you are ready to leave, we ask that you fill out an exit survey with the volunteers to provide us with some feedback of the event.
What services are offered on site?
Homeless Connect Edmonton offers a wide variety of services including dental care, tax preparation, foot care, hair cuts, eye care, legal services, photography, hot meal, health care, birth control, prenatal services, Indigenous services, library cards, telephone and computer access, fall immunizations, and much, much more.
How can I get there?
We work with our community partner ETS to help you get there and back. ETS service is free on the day of the event for anyone attending or leaving the event. Please let your driver know you are going to, or coming from, Homeless Connect. Please note: drivers do have discretion to deny entry to the bus. Should this happen, please go to the next nearest stop. Having a Homeless Connect card may help with easier access. These cards are handed out at local organizations in the weeks leading up to the event. Make sure to keep yours with you.